Thursday, January 31, 2008

Technique - Jan. 31

1. a - WATCO texting while driving on the chances of you getting in a wreck?
b - People who think that they can successfully control both their cell phone AND their car at the same time.
c - Texting while driving will raise the chances of getting in a wreck BECAUSE concentrating on anything besides driving will cause you to stray from your lane often.

2. a - WATCO eating nothing but carrots and cappuccinos on your health?
b - Self-conscious people who think that the weird "carrot and cappuccino" diet will make them thin and not affect their health.
c - Eating nothing but carrots and cappuccinos will ruin your health BECAUSE overloading on certain substances while ignoring others will weaken your immune system and decrease bone density.

3. a - WATCO climbing Mt. Everest without ever training on your lifespan?
b - Gungho executive types who believe that money alone will get them to the world's highest point.
c - Climbing Mt. Everest without training will shorten your lifespan greatly BECAUSE the inability to cope with difficult conditions and the physical inability to react to sudden situations over 25,000 ft. above sea-level will most likely result in extremely severe frostbite and pulmonary edema.

4. a - WATCO telling your wife that her dress DOES make her look fat on your comfort tonight?
b - Tired husbands who think that maybe today, for once, honesty should win over, and their wife should know the truth instead of hearing another little white lie.
c - Telling your wife that her dress DOES make her look fat will completely shatter your comfort tonight BECAUSE an angry wife will most likely make you sleep on the sofa.

1 comment:

Ashley LeBaron said...

These WATCO questions all sound really good. Especially the last one. But you also need to analyze a piece of art and turn it into a WATCO statement. She want's us to add the picture that you analyze.